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frequently asked



q: What days do you deliver?

Deliveries are completed: Monday to Friday between 7.00am – 4.30pm

Check with us if you require a delivery outside of these times as we can work with you to arrange time that suits your needs.

q: How long between when I place an order and when I get my goods?

Deliveries are processed promptly upon receipt of full payment.

Delivery may take between 3-5 working days. You will receive an email confirming the delivery day once payment has been received and the order has been lodged with the transport company.

q: Can I pick the day?

We do our best to accommodate your request. Give us as much notice as you can, and we will work to meet your needs. We group as many deliveries as we can going to the same area on the same delivery run.

Deliveries North of the River to the Sunshine Coast are more popular making it easier to get your delivery on a run quite quickly.

q: What areas do you deliver to?

We deliver to the greater Brisbane area – from the Sunshine Coast, to the Gold Coast and the Ipswich Area. Check our Delivery Zone Suburb list for your suburb. If it doesn’t show but is near one that is listed - check with us – chances are we will deliver there.

q: How is the delivery charge worked out?

We are charged for a full truck, for the maximum weight it can carry and the number of pallet spaces that it will hold as well as the time that is needed to complete the deliveries on board.

The price that shows in the Estimate Shipping field presumes you wish the delivery as promptly as possible and that your order will fill one of the 3 truck sizes.

The price for the first item of any order will cover the freight charges for multiple drops to areas on the Delivery Zone list.

q: How are my goods delivered?

They are delivered by a crane truck and placed as close as safely possible to the area you require the bulka bag.

q: What if I have a forklift on site and don’t need the crane?

We may be able to offer a freight saving if we are able to use a non-crane truck.

Please either call or email us to discuss more details.

q: What If I have made a mistake in my order and need to change an item?

If you have inadvertently ordered a wrong item, need to cancel, add or subtract from your original order either call or email straight away quoting the order reference number.

You will generally have a minimum of 48 hours to do this.

We will then arrange to adjust the order and either raise a charge or credit if there is any difference in the total price.

If you delay contacting us or it is after midday the day before the order is scheduled to be delivered it may cause additional charges to recall or reroute deliveries especially if they have been dispatched in preparation for delivery



q: Why are some goods showing as Cubic metre and others Tonne?

Our Bulka bags will hold a cubic metre of most products.

Some products weigh more or less than 1 Tonne for a cubic metre of product.

Bulka Bags will be filled to either

Half or One Cubic Metre


Half or One Tonne.

Light Products like mulch are traditionally sold by Cubic Metre while more dense products like stone, soil, sands are converted to Tonnes for accuracy in supplying product.

Each product has a different weight per cubic metre – please see the conversion guide on a product to work out how many tonnes you need to order from your cubic metre measurements.

For further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or email and we can help.

q: What is the difference between Ton & Tonne?

a “tonne” is a metric measure that is used in Australia. A “tonne” is equal to 1,000 kg.

Both “ton” and “tonne” are units of weight, but a “ton” is a British and American measure, while a “tonne” is a metric measure and the measure that we use



q: How long between when I place an order and when I get my goods?

Deliveries are processed promptly upon receipt of full payment.

Delivery may take between 3-5 working days. You will receive an email confirming the delivery day once payment has been received and the order has been lodged with the transport company.

q: What if I order too much?

Unfortunately, we do not accept the return of surplus product.

Goods are available for order in Half or One Tonne / Half or One Cubic metre quantities, or in the case of Cement a full pallet.

You will need to place your order to the nearest to these amounts

We do recommend that you order approximately 10% extra for variables such as product compaction.

Any product left over can be put away for any future repairs

During the order process, if you are not sure about which goods you require, we are more than happy, as part of our customer service process, to spend time with you by phone or email, providing advice on product selection, volume requirements and information specific to your order and delivery, including logistic planning.


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