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Pine Sawdust In Bulkabag 1 m3 | Mulch
Cypress Red Bark In BulkaBag 1 m3 | Mulch
Cypress Uluru Red In BulkaBag 1/2 m3 | Mulch
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a brilliant rich red coloured mulch chip with a natural dye "ground" through it
Cypress Uluru Red: a brilliant rich red coloured mulch chip with a natural dye "ground" through it to give it that rich vibrant red colour.
Often used in commercial applications to "finish off" developments or display homes to make it stand out from the crowd.
Consider pairing with Cypress Carbon Black for that striking finish.
Like any natural bark or mulch tannins will run if put onto light concrete, tiles or other surfaces.
As with all Cypress mulches, the Cypress Uluru Red is naturally termite resistant.
More Information | Mulch is sold by volume rather than weight Click to download ** Cypress Colour info sheet
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