Soft Fall AS4422 In BulkaBag 1 m3 | Mulch Previous Soft Fall AS4422 In BulkaBag 1 m3 | Mulch

Takura Soft Fall AS4422 in Bulka Bag 1 m3 | Mulch

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Made from pine wood, great for play areas in schools and kindergartens.

Made from pine wood, which is a non-toxic material. (Ice cream sticks are also made from pine wood).

Takura engineered Softfall was first introduced in early 2008 and since then has been well received and tested in play areas in schools and kindergartens.

  • Allows easy access for wheelchairs and prams which is great for all abilities playgrounds.
  • Similar properties to bark products and Takura Softfall lasts longer in playgrounds.
  • Cleaner product and dust-free.
    • Bark products create dust that can stain children's clothes.
    • Also, dust from bark can induce asthma attacks.
    • range in size from 5mm - 15mm

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More Information Mulch is sold by volume rather than weight

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